Parental Resources

At OPCC Kids, our mission is to engage and equip students for Jesus on Sunday mornings, while also partnering with parents to practically disciple in the home. 

 How do we practically do this? 
1. Ongoing relationship building our OPCC Kids Team and our OPCC Kids Families
This happens through life lived together as spiritual family outside the walls of the church.  This also happens by inviting parents into our Sunday AM kids ministry experience.  Leading and loving intentionally alongside our volunteers and staff familiarizes parents with our curriculum and resources, builds confidence in engaging kids in the Truth of the Word and encourages parents to live from a place of overflow in their own personal walks.

2. The Gospel Project curriculum
At OPCC Kids, we use The Gospel Project curriculum.  This program works chronologically through the Bible and points to Jesus during each lesson and each Bible story.  The Gospel Project includes weekly Family Connection sheets and midweek lessons.  This program is used for both OPCC Kids and OPCC Youth.  Families can engage together in scripture at levels appropriate for student from baby to high school.