Week 30:
Acts 28:17-31
For the first 30 minutes, please enjoy a meal together as a group. This is an intentional time set aside for fellowship. Eating together is a family activity, and helps us become like a spiritual family. This is one simple way we practice doing what Jesus did.
Pray for God to teach the group through His Word and Holy Spirit.
Have someone read Acts 28:17-31 out loud.
Ask: “What does the passage teach us about God?” (Have everyone share)
Ask: “What does the passage teach us about people?”(Have each person share)
Have someone else read the passage again out loud, maybe in a different translation.
Ask: “What commands are we to obey, examples to follow, and truths to hold onto from the passage?” (Have everyone share)
Ask: “What personally challenges you from this passage?” (Have everyone share)
*For mixed groups, please separate the men and women for the 3/3rd
Focus on our Goal:
Remind the group that as apprentices of Jesus, we want to strive to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did and taught.
With that in mind, have everyone pray silently for 5 minutes and ask the Holy Spirit to tell them:
How to specifically obey the passage. (Obedience must be tied to the passage)
Who they should teach what they learned from God out of this passage.
After the 5 minutes, have everyone share what the Holy Spirit told them.
Split everybody up into pairs/trios:
Practice teaching the person what you learned from God out of this passage.
Pray for each others’ faithfulness to what the Holy Spirit told them.
Bring the whole group together and ask someone to pray to end the group’s time.