Week 32:
Season Finale
For the first 30 minutes, please enjoy a meal together as a group. This is an intentional time set aside for fellowship. Eating together is a family activity, and helps us become like a spiritual family. This is one simple way we practice doing what Jesus did.
Ask: “Were you able to go prayer walking this past week? Were you able to teach prayer walking to your ‘one’?”
If people say they weren’t able to, stop and ask how can you help them be faithful in what they’ve learned?
What was the highlight for you this season in discipleship groups?
How will your group handle meeting over the summer. You can either meet or pause, either is fine.
Have everyone make a plan to reach out to OPCC if they want to become discipleship group leaders.
Ask everyone how they can continue implementing the tools throughout the summer, even if your group isn’t meeting?
Leaders, if you have any words of encouragement or challenge, please use this as an opportunity to share whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to speak!
Spend time in prayer over one another as you may not see each other for awhile.
Way to go! You made it through season 1. Season 2 will pick back up beginning in September.