When do OPCC Kids elementary students transition to OPCC Youth?
5th grade is the last year for our OPCC Kids elementary program. Students move to OPCC Youth when they enter 6th grade. We invite our students to use the summer between 5th and 6th grade as a transition period. Many students will attend OPCC Kids on Sunday morning but also begin attending OPCC Youth on Wednesday nights during that summer transition.
Do I need to bring my student in for youth or can I drop them off?
We love meeting new parents! You are welcome to bring your student in their first night to meet the leaders and for us to meet you. Drop off is also totally fine. We do ask that all first time students fill out a brief information form. This gives us emergency contact information for while your child is at youth and for future communications. Pre Register your child here. https://opcc.fellowshiponego.com/external/form/f9b4caa8-a274-404f-aa9f-49ae9d2c9c9f Can parents serve at OPCC Youth? We have several opportunities for parents to get involved during the year. These range from providing a meal for a weekly youth group to volunteering for events. Opportunities for parent involvement are posted on the Parent Resource page.